The market and technology leader since the 15th century.
Our Post is Austrian and it thinks internationally. Counting 20,000 employees, it is a truly large corporation, whereas the 'Postman' acts in person and very close to the customer. The Post is a traditional company, but also a forward-looking technology leader. These apparent contradictions can be harmonized by a new tonality of the brand under one roof. The basic design radiates the security and competence of a major international player - and enriches both qualities with the natural presentation of Austrian authenticity. The post horn is the strongest figurative mark in Austria by far. It's unprompted recognition of 99% is at eye level with worldwide mega icons like the Nike 'Swoosh' or the Apple 'Apple'.
Cooperating with the lead agency DDFG we were able to remind the Post of this enormous fundus - and give the brand the importance and self-confidence it deserves. We have freed the post horn from all accessories and prepared it for digital use with higher line width, more symmetry and raised dynamics. This way it gains volume significantly and it develops a wider sound spectrum. With the post horn as the undisputed hero, new verve and growing courage become immediately perceptible. The Post as 'sender' is recognized faster, its communication can use all channels faster and more consistently. This simplification inspires the entire corporate design sustainably, the composition of all relevant style elements and applications is logically derived from it.

We were invited to redevelop the entire corporate design of the Post, from the legendary post horn to every brand touch point including all branches. And we did deliver immediately. Of course, other empathic, stylistically confident and straightforward partners also left their stamp on this package. Our thanks go to:
DDFG: communications and true full service
Section D: environmental design
Typejockeys: type design and icons
Wolfgang Zac and Klaus Vyhnalek: pictoral world
The proverbial 'special thanks' go to Jutta Kuzmanovski-Jandl, Sophie Martzak-Görike and Christian List.

See also: brand-reanimation